Do Bleached Blondes Really Have More Fun?

Do Bleached Blondes Really Have More Fun?

Are you ready for our next talk on chemical hair treatments? Well this time we’re talking about bleaching. Now we’ve all heard that blondes have more fun but let’s talk more about what bleaching is and more importantly what it does to our hair and scalp and then you decide. So let’s get started. We commonly think of the word “bleach” when we’re doing our laundry right? We know that it removes color and if you have the unfortunate mistake of putting too much bleach in your whites, you know that it can melt away clothing fibers. The liquid chemical you use for bleaching clothes is sodium hypochlorite which is totally different than hair bleach and should never, NEVER EVER, ever be used to bleach hair! Now let’s look at hair bleach.

If you ever wanted your hair a lighter shade, frosted, or highlighted, your darker hair color needed to be first removed. This is done by bleaching your hair, THEN coloring it to the color you wanted. Yes that’s a two-step chemical process that doubles your chances of scalp irritation, allergic reactions, burns and hair loss. With this in mind you should be sure to take precautions to protect your scalp and give it time to heal between the bleaching and coloring process. You can read more about hair color here in Let’s Talk Color. So what’s in hair bleach?

Remember it’s a two part process of mixing chemicals to lighten the hair color using hydrogen peroxide (a stronger form than the one on your medicine shelf) AND ammonia! Ladies you may be wondering about the “peroxide free” brands, but just remember in order for the bleach to work that one ingredient is just being exchanged out for another. These chemicals work to open your hair cuticle to allow the bleach to get into the hair and leaves them open resulting in hair that dry and prone to breakage because of loss of moisture. Not only will it leave your hair changed forever, the ingredients in hair bleach cause irritation to your eyes and will have you holding your breath for fear of inhaling! Not so fun is it? You’ll remember that ammonia is the same ingredient that used in cleaners to strip away built up dirt and grime.
Now, don’t get me wrong,

I enjoy looking my best and I understand wanting to change things up a bit. But I also know how important it is to stay healthy. Sweetie, we need to make smart choices and take precautions to protect ourselves. We both know that if our body is telling us that if something looks bad, smells bad, and feels bad, it is bad! I care and I want to help you to protect yourself. Write to me here and I’ll send you more information on being the healthiest you. These products will protect and heal your scalp. Be safe Louticia Grier